Exposición "Worlds Together"
Curated by Sumayyah Al Suwaidi
Venue: Marsam Mattar Gallery
16th January 2011 – 31st of January 2011
Artworks by:
Kristy Anne Ligones
Guillermo Munro
Ella Orencillo
Ali Murad
Liz Ramos
Moahmmed Hindash
Maria Neschetna
Victoria Viray
Worlds Together is an art exhibition that explores artists from different nationalities and backgrounds but living in the UAE. the exhibition talks about their different personalities and perspectives about life, its their honest feelings onto canvas portraying their thoughts into visual images for everyone to see and experience.
En Dubai
¡Muchas Felicidades para Memo! ¡Éxito! Y que sigas trascendiendo. Saludos.